Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Dogs & Apple Cider Vinegar...............

In my opinion if you own dogs you should have Apple Cider Vinegar in your home it has multiple uses. Itchy skin, the early stages of hot spots, relentless licking of the feet, smelly ears, or even a dog with a poor appetite Apple Cider Vinegar can fix things right up. Apple Cider Vinegar taken internally is known to maintain the acid and alkaline balance of the digestive tract. A dog that has clear watery discharge from the eyes, or a runny nose, or a cough with a liquid sound Apple Cider Vinegar can straighten it out when used twice a day in its food. Many breeders say external parasites like fleas, ticks, flies, ring worm, mange, and some others are more unlikely to inhabit a dog with an acidic system inside and out. Most say use 1 tablespoon for every 50 pounds give or take.
(people use common sense, take your dog to the vet if and when you need to)
How to check your dog's pH balance go to the drug store and pick up some pH strips. First piss of the morning is the perfect time to test your dog's pH. A reading of 6.2 - 6.5 no worries your dog's system is fine; if it reads 7.5 or higher your dogs diet is too alkaline. Adding Apple Cider Vinegar to their food will re-establish the correct pH balance of your dog.
Itchy skin or the early stages of hot spots pour Apple Cider Vinegar into a spray bottle part the hair and spray it on. If the skin is broken dilute the Apple Cider Vinegar 50/50 with purified water. Any skin outbreak should dry up within 24 hours.
Once a week I use a few drops in my dogs ears after cleaning them to avoid ear infections. I’ve also learned from GSD breeders that Apple Cider Vinegar is awesome in fighting yeast infections in the dog’s ear or on their skin.
From the combination of some GSD and Boxer breeders I’ve learned that Apple Cider Vinegar is used in the prevention of muscle weakness, cramps, dogs feeling the effects of the cold, calluses on elbows and hock joints, pimples on the skin, sore joints, arthritis, and pus in the urine.
Many breeders say should you experience external parasites like fleas, ticks, flies, ring worm, or mange bathe your dog with Dawn or green Palmolive and rinse thoroughly, then pour on Apple Cider Vinegar diluted 50/50 with warm water and allow your dog to drip dry. The soapy water drowns the fleas and the Apple Cider Vinegar makes the skin too acidic to re-infest your dog. When you take your dog out to parks or run fields spray your dog before you leave and when you return home with Apple Cider Vinegar.
There are so many uses for Apple Cider Vinegar I've only pointed out a few of the things it can be used for.

Christopher W. Jones

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