Monday, November 12, 2012

RKC Workshop II.

Good morning all, what we talked about in the first shop was identity figure out the look you like you and seek it out. Ok so here's the second most important part of starting a kennel; check it.
When you get into this game you’re so excited. You’re on the computer all day, at work, on your vacation at night, man sometime you wake up in the middle of night and go on the computer.
Now that is called "THE BUG", yep you got "THE BUG".
Pros and cons.
Pros that means you’re starting to be committed.
Cons is that now you are prey for all of the breeders already in the game.
Here is what happens.
You’re on the net, and you find a kennel or dog you like you call that guy and he tells you his whole story and you like what he is saying so you go and spend thousands of dollars, with the hope of taking over the world. You get your dog and you’re happy, you think he is the one.
Now you keep surfing the net and you find another kennel and you like their dogs so you buy, and so on and so on.
Now you have a couple of dogs, from all type of shapes and color. A yard full of nothing because you followed the hype and each kennels dream.
So that's called learning the hard way because you didn't know better, but you spent thousands of dollars. So you say well I'm going to breed them to make my money back, which is the worst thing you can do because you are producing stuff without constancy.
Rule #1 make your cuts and take your losses, don't breed to make back your loss because when you do that your identity in the game is shot and all you have is your word and identity.
Here is an example.
Many guys come to Remy and see him and they see what I've done. Now that is the Dream, they say hmmmm I'm going to buy a Remy pup one or two, breed them and make money like Fabe. Now that is possible, but what they didn't realize is; it's the work you have to put into the dogs, such as Marketing, going to shows, and the key truly love your dogs.
Your dogs are going to give you what you give them, so many times guys females don't take, or they lose a litter or whatever. That is karma trust me on that. Remember they are creatures with soul what you put in you will get out. Love is the key, not just feed and keep them in a crate or kennel. Trust me your dogs will do more for you than you know if you truly love them. Ok talk to ya tomorrow 1.Identy 2.Stay on your dream not another man’s stick with what look made you say dam, and be true to it. Don't follow the hype unless it is the truth......
By. Fabe

Christopher W. Jones

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