Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Welcome To 20/20

Just a thought...........Just a Thought.............

When we think about feeding a natural diet, and how it heals the body, we must also look at what I call prevention. If the goal of a natural diet is to help bring forth better or the best health out of our animals, we should also be looking at the long term effects of feed. How is the feed we’re providing our animals, actually helping or is it harming them in the long run. I strongly believe that at least 85% of all serious health issues are directly the results of how and what we are feeding the animal. These issues are so vast that we are seriously talking about from skin issues all the way to cancers, which are in my opinion diet related.

What makes me say its diet related, look into how animal feed is processed and what has to be put back into it, just to be press out into a pellet to be considered safe and “nutritionally appropriate” for animal consumption. It’s said, “the number one ingredient is meat”, meaning “meat” is the most used ingredient in the bag. Then it’s followed by a lot of plant based material, with vitamins, minerals, and at least one preservative added back in to “lock in freshness”. To sum it up, all of these ingredients have been destroyed by killing the natural nutrients during cooking, hence the reason things have to be added back to make it “complete”. Enough said!
(Early Spring 2011)
All of this weakens the immune system because we are simply feeding it crap. Over processed food with added ingredients, which require the animals body to over work, just to process the food for viable nutrients, hence why you have to feed so much and why they poop so much. Just look at it, the majority of bad health problems stem from a compromised immune system like skin, gut, and so on. My goal has been and will remain to be, how can I feed my animals today to prevent a health issue tomorrow, and knowing all that goes into making kibble the first thing I can do is make the switch, so my animal can benefit from the natural nutrients provided in its whole unaltered form.
The next thing is essentially rebuilding a broken and damaged body, by incorporating the right balance of nutrients daily building into a lifetime. Providing the animal with a vast abundance of whole nutrients over time will begin to manifest. 1. bodies that are more resilient to illness and disease, supporting the fact that the immune system is now working at its optimal peak throughout the animal, after successfully going through detox. 2. offspring who display better brain function, mobility, and overall better vitality than its ancestors. 3. The unsurprising gain of longevity accompanied by durability, granting our beloved animals a puppy like mind and vigorous zest for life well into the senior years, just to mention a few.
(King Cain in the fall of 2014)
All of this can only become possible when we begin to look exactly at, how, what, and why we are feeding the choices we’ve made for the animal. By incorporating the right foods today, that destroy, extend, fight, prevent, and yet so much more, to overall help build a stronger, illness, and disease free animals, why not start today, to prevent tomorrow?

Christopher W. Jones

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