Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Doubting Concern

Just a thought......

There are many myths about feeding a Natural diet that will have you doubting every aspect of it. Honestly from the concerns of nutritional requirements not being met, or the fear of an overabundance of germs or bacteria becoming present, to the biggest one of them all; that dogs can not eat bones, should all simply be done with. The overwhelming proof from breeders whose animals have begun to live longer, while becoming less susceptible to ailments and disease, and overall simply a stronger healthier more vibrant animals should be the reason all veterinarians should start to recommend the switch to a Natural Diet. Although that is a big wish, that all veterinarians would recommend a natural diet, many have seen the light by way of us breeders who are steadfast with feeding our animals appropriately. Yet it is truly on us breeders to apply the knowledge we gain, while truthfully documenting the results, in order to inform our veterinarian of our findings with feeding a natural diet backed with straight facts.
(Heart, salmon with bone and skin, uterus, quarter leg, spleen, kidney)

When it comes to feeding a natural diet, providing your animal with the essential nutrients required to thrive are more easily met than one may think. Many years ago and still today they have classified the canid species as carnivores, and that simply means one who feeds on flesh. Today we have the advantage over those who came before us because we have the ability to provide more and pretty much shop world wide. Researching and connecting people locally and internationally using resources that they may have never known about. While we remember the knowledge they share with us on what and how vegetables, fruit, herbs, spices, and roots that are extremely beneficial to the health of all mammals. All of this makes it possible for me to say “meeting your animal's nutritional requirements are more easily met than you may think”. The first proof of nutritional requirements being met, is the most sought after relief from skin allergies, which is why most people consider making the switch to a natural diet anyways.
(Skin off Turkey Neck)
(Skin on Chicken Neck)
When it comes down to the consumption of bone by our animals we have to take a couple things into consideration. First your dog should never be given cooked bones. Cooked bones splinter and are extremely dangerous for the animal from nose to tail, becoming hard little spears because of the pressure under high cooking temperatures. Instead your animal should be provided with the naturally, uncooked, softer, digestible, non splintering, highly nutritious bone. And second, you should never make your animals weekly diet more than 50% to 60% (for young pups) max bone consumption. Feeding a stupid high bone diet daily thought out the week turning into a month, can cause an unsightly blockage in the intestine, which will require expensive surgery to correct, likely removing some intestine as well. My simple rule is, “never add extra bone without good reason. Yet it must be a skinless birds neck if needed, because the meat to bone ratio is already correct”.
(A blend with rabbit, duck, and beef)
Now when we think about germs and bacteria, the rules are the same rules that we apply for our own raw food handling. Just as you would wash your hands, your dishes, your counters and so on with a disinfectant, that same exact thing applies to your naturally fed animals. Wash their bowls and wipe down their feeding area with some form of disinfectant daily. Now if your true concern is the animal getting salmonella or e coli; the canid species has an extremely acidic guts which helps prevent bacteria from colonizing. This acidic gut united with enzymes in their saliva are known to have antibacterial properties, yet this makes it possible for their higher bacteria tolerance than you or I.  So in other words, it’s highly unlikely that your animal will get sick from a natural diet, unless they are already ill or their immune system has already been compromised. I often tell people, “ practice good hygiene and use your common sense, simply no spoiled, rotten, or molded meats or produce.

Christopher W. Jones

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