Tuesday, January 31, 2017


Alright Look,
I’ve found myself using a Antibiotic thinking this will do the trick, it will take care of the problem nicely and quickly, all should be well in 7 to 14 days. Yet that wasn’t the case, I forgot that dogs also can be infected by multiple strains of infection, or a infection can build up a resistance, or can just be really deep in the tissue, making it really hard for a single antibiotic to correct the issue. This is where the heavy hitters, hit squad comes to play, “Antibiotic Combinations”………..

“Antibiotic Combinations” stand down! The “Culture & Sensitivity Test” scouts have not returned, STAND DOWN!! It is “NOT PROPER PROTOCOL” to send in the Anti Combo’s without a “Full Report”!!! “TRAGEDY” can and will surely happen going in blind, “C&S TEST REPORT FIRST”!!!! We’re not trying our luck, we “TRAIN” to be RIGHT!!!!!

Oh yea, so in other words using combinations should never be common practice, there is a chance you’ll kill your dog. It is vital that an C&S Test is performed, so the RIGHT combination of Antibiotics are prescribed to fight the body invaders. Oh I understand yup, by now it’s a problem that’s getting worse quickly, yea may turn fatal if not treated, yet I still don’t openly recommend this. It’s hit or miss, 50-50, and I don’t nor won’t risk it; unless it’s my last option and trusted advice considered.

If you have absolutely no other choice; you CANNOT afford a C&S Test, or to visit any Vet, proceed with EXTREME CAUTION! Neither Christopher W. Jones or NoVACAIN Kennels, ACKNOWLEDGE nor take RESPONSIBILITY for the CHOICES ANYONE MAKES FOR THEIR DOGS AFTER READING THIS. WE RECOMMEND you at least call and talk to a Vet on the phone for advice, if a visit and C&S Test are out of the question.


I’ll start with  the “Protozoa Reaper”, then the 3 Baytil combinations, followed by the Clavamox combination. I choose to write on these because, at some point in time on my journey with dogs, I personally have used them so I choose to write about them. I also feel it is important that people are aware of other options that may be helpful. Remember get a C&S Test and the vet will direct you.

TMZ (Trimethoprim - Sulfa) & METRONIDAZOLE - A vicious combination when having to treat Coccidia and Giardia at the same time, yet this is only used if Albon and Fenbendazole aren’t correcting the issue.

BAYTRIL - Well known in the community, and thought by many to be the one drug to run to, yet this Antibiotic should never considered a first choice nor used as a preventative measure, unless things are out of hand from the start. It is known for being useful in treating brucellosis, as well as treating ear, flesh, mammary, and urinary infections. WARNING! Over use of this antibiotic will render it useless. When it is found to be necessary, Baytril in combination with a few others can renew the effectiveness, as a team. Baytril and:

ANTIROBE - A good choice for unresponsive deep abscess, deep dental infections.

CEPHALEXIN - A better choice for deep tissue infections, unidentified uti’s, or if you’re trying to just cover everything.

CLAVAMOX - The best choice for deep tissue infections, unidentified pyometra, or if you’re trying to just cover everything.

CLAVAMOX - This is an enhanced form of Amoxicillin which makes it harder for infections to build a resistance, makes this significantly better at fighting infections. Great for ear infections, mastitis, pyometra, respiratory infections, and wounds. It is also safe for pregnant bitches. Clavamox and:

METRONIDAZOLE - The best choice for deep abscesses or flesh infections in my opinion. Simply because, these 2 work like a fine trained team, metronidazole going strong penetrating deep, granting access to clavamox to go further into the cells of the abscess.

We must remember that there’s a great number of Antibiotics and Antibiotic Combinations that can be used for many things, and each vet has their own Antibiotics that they like to prescribe. When considering a plan of action, let the vet know your suggestions but ultimately try what your vet has chosen first, because 90% of the time the vet has ran a C&S Test. Although we have remember that anything used inappropriately can turn fatal, so PLEASE seek the knowledge and advice of a vet or a veteran breeder.

Christopher W. Jones

Contact Information:
Email: thenovacainkennels2014@gmail.com