Friday, January 28, 2022


Man its been a long time, and God's been good. My Queen and I now have a beautiful Princess to round out the family with our Prince. My pack is smaller yet, stronger than it ever has been. No litters on the ground but, I'm always thinking and looking at the future. Yea I still be looking in on a select few who have stayed true to themselves and the dogs, without a doubt. Many still refer a lot of people to me, although...........

For a long time I've been thinking, why do I deal with the people who come with these animals, while getting mad often. The wanting to say, "forget it all" has been a consistent battle from within, yet I remain here for the few. Over the years many have come and gone, some leaving with gifts while others stealing a little, only to rob others from the start.  As many wished my downfall while laughing at my loses, I continue to defy the odds.

The main reason I'm still here doing me is because, I did it my way; while staying true to myself. I didn't get into dogs to be liked by others, or to become famous nor rich. I didn't get into dogs to befriend people and make enemies with their enemies, only to become friends with they enemy and foe to thy friend. That's the strange things many do in these dogs. I got into dogs because I've loved canines and wanted to share the knowledge I've gained through the years yet, I'm not sure that's still the case. 

How can I help, when many only want to battle senseless facts that aren't true nor on the topics at hand. How can you help, when you've given advice only for it to be tossed out the window. How can you help, when those you try to help are already blinded by those who are blind themselves. How can you help when you truthfully tell them that you don't consider particular things in the equation, only for them to harp on the things not considered. How can you help, when the confused choose to listen to the fledgling and not the seasoned.

With questioning and knowing all of this, what can I do? I still see the call for information by people, but is it worth my time to share with these people. I've talked with a few about getting together ourselves, privately to talk shop. I've worked on the book over and over, yet can't see the urgency of releasing any of it. Lives on social media have become sparse, and the tube's once in a blue moon. What should I do?

What I know is, no matter what I'll always be NoVACAIN Kennels. I'll always keep true to my word and to what my original vision continues to be. No matter how disappointed I become with the masses, I will always be there for the few who seek the raw uncut truth. How can I abandoned those that truly have a hunger in doing it right. I mean some truly foresee the tears because they have seen my tears through the passion I have for my animals. These same few also know, that one day they to will feel the same hurts and joys, as they begin to develop those experiences through the years.

I've learned many will listen not once but twice, only to turnaround and impersonate you, while dangerously sharing information they haven't experienced completely incorrect. After doing so these same individuals who haven't lived the knowledge that they half halfheartedly shared are blamed for the downfall of someones animal. So the impostors immediately deflects to the one who knows the truth. Only to cast the masses blame from the impostor to the unaware one who lived the truth.

I don't know what good will come from this, but hey I'm still standing. And although I'm standing, these eyes are tired, for they have seen so much in this short time. And maybe one day we'll sit, and while we sit I close my eyes to tell you of a journey. A journey of a kid whose first true best friend was a dog he didn't own. And how that one dog unimaginably set him up to become..................................................................