Thursday, February 7, 2019

The % Of Raw I Feed

Good grief, I can't keep a thing to myself. Lol I've been asked to get back to writing for sometime but now I have to be very selective with what I put out there. I've recently been going through my email with the subject, “FEEDING PERCENTAGES” so here it is, some of my notes.

The chart below is based off of 12 animals within 12 years, having their raw feeding requirements averaged, based on being owned, fed, and worked by NoVACAIN Kennels. I have been feeding these percentages to the 2017 and 2018 litters and have found great results, while tweaking it here and there when the individual requires so. My advice would be that all NoVACAIN Kennels bred pups be fed this way,  yet the caretaker must keep a watchful eye to make sure that each individual's nutritional requirements are being fulfilled, while being properly exercised.

A animals nutritional requirements being met doesn't just apply to a animal being underfed, but also must include being overfed.

Over feeding young animals which I often see with American Bullies, is very detrimental to the longevity of a animals bones, joints, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems. This stresses pasterns, elbows, hips, hocks, heart, and lungs. Commonly seen torn ligaments and sprains in young animals, also it causes the lungs and heart to overwork trying to keep the body going pushing blood and pulling in vital oxygen, and to sum that up shorting the lifespan from 8-12 to 2-5 years.

Anyways, I love keeping my young animals pretty lean and active allowing their bones, joints, heart, and lungs to properly form and become stronger and stronger. Around 13-15 months I add a little body weight on, not too much while a little heavier work begins allowing the heart to properly grow and work without being forced to overwork. At the 2 to 2 ½  year mark I tend to begin cutting them loose and letting them get wide open. The work starts to become intense, but man do they look good and have strong hearts, getting chopped up while beginning to fly.

Well that's enough chatter, the chart begins with the minimal ethical age that a animal should be allowed to leave the breeders care:

8-15 weeks 10%
Week 16 (4 months) begin transition
17-24 weeks 8%
Week 25 (6 ¼ months) begin transition
26-33 weeks 7%
Week 34 (8 ½ months)begin transition
35-42 weeks 6%
Week 43 (10 ¾ months) begin transition
44-51 weeks 5%
Week 52 (13 months) begin transition
53-60 weeks 4%
Week 61 (15 ¼ months) begin transition
62-69 weeks 3%
Week 70 (17 ½ months) begin transition
71 weeks + 2.5-3% adult maintenance
Animals 8 years plus have done extremely well being fed 2%