Monday, June 25, 2012

The Book is Coming

NoVACAIN Kennels
A Way of Life
Book 1.
The information contained in this book is the results of my own experiences in addition to the research I’ve done since I have been able to read.  So overall this is what I believe, how I feel, and what I do within my own home and kennel. I always consult with a veterinarian when I feel the need to do so.  Some are here to really help you instead of just making money.  I have a passion for canine health and I feel that it all starts with a superlative diet.  Exercise is a key component of a healthy dog as well, but to me it ultimately starts with what you put into your dog; its food.  Thank you to all the people who really helped me along the way and pushed me to keep doing my thing with dogs.  Special thanks go to my wife who has put up with all my craziness with these dogs, my mother for allowing me to have all the different animals over the years then allowing me to bring dogs into her home, my uncle Joe for always pushing me to accomplish my goals with these dogs, and most of all the late Elwood Jones Sr. my grandfather the one man who told me “if you dream of something great over and over and over it’s what you should be doing because it’s a gift an vision from God so receive it.”  Now on to the book, I really hope this book will be a great learning tool for you and that you enjoy it as well.  Thank you.
Christopher W. Jones

Those of Us

Those of us who are in this dog game if you call it that, I’m just into dogs some breeds more than others but overall I’m into dogs.  I feel our enthusiasms for the individual breeds we all choose to work with, provide for, and care for define who we truly are.  How we keep, raise, and talk of our dogs are a reflection of us as individuals.  We talk of our dogs these canines as if they were human, people come to know who our dogs are way before they even know our own names or what we look like, or at least that’s how I feel it should be.  If you asked me for advice before getting into dogs I would say, “Sit back, take your time, and pay attention to everything; what people say about the dogs, the people who breed them, the kennels and bloodlines that these dogs and people represent and come to your own conclusions”.  This will show you how educated a person really is about their dogs.  To me even the typical pet only dog owner who rescues a dog would have some type of dog knowledge.  Stay posted with NoVACAIN Kennels and read the articles that I drop on Thanks you for taking the time to read this and God Bless.                                                                                                                       Christopher W. Jones